design thinking

Siamo Tutti Designers? ~ Are we all Designers?

Il video della nostra prima diretta Facebook sul Design Thinking ~ Our first live Facebook video recording on Design Thinking.
Design thinking webinar

For the first, but likely not the last one, this blog post is a video and is in Italian!

Per la prima, ma probabilmente non l’ultima volta, questo post e’ un video ed e’ in italiano!


Abbiamo presentato 10 aforismi sul design e il design thinking, il modo in cui secondo noi il design thinking e’ utile nel Terzo settore e varie risorse per saperne di piu’ sul design thinking (tra cui il corso di formazione che terremo il 23-24 febbraio 2018 a Roma).

Design Thinkinf for the Third Sector



Watch, comment and share :)

Guardate, commentate, condividete!!


Qualche ulteriore info sul corso:

Locandina corso VIS

A Roma, presso una delle sedi del VIS - Volontariato di Solidarieta' Internazionale

23-24 febbraio 2018
(+ 6 settimane online per chi vuole)

Alternando presentazioni (mattina) ed esercitazioni pratiche (pomeriggi)

Cosa si imparerà?

• Analizzare in modo nuovo e creativo problemi e bisogni degli utenti
e/o dei contesti in cui operano;

• Empatizzare con i propri utenti e progettare gli interventi mettendo
gli utenti al centro;

• Trasformare le intuizioni (‘insight’) sugli utenti in opportunità di sviluppo
e innovazione;

• Confrontarsi con il design thinking e i relativi strumenti e valutare come inserirli nel proprio lavoro;

• Testare e verificare prototipi e nuove idee in modo rapido ed economico.

Come ci si iscrive?

Basta mandare un’e-mail a


  • Allegato: Mini CV

Scadenza: 11 febbraio 2018


Thanks to ~ Grazie al VIS - Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo :)

Ale e Fra nel video


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Learning from our partners - More than Metrics

Smaply interface. Source:

Have you ever heard of design thinking? You probably have, and if not, follow our upcoming trip to and across Asia and you’ll know more about it. 
In the meantime, watch this video and get inspired from This is Design Thinking website. is grounded in our love for social impact and for design processes. Our vision is of a world where social ventures have the capacity to design impactful initiatives, communicate about these and have fun. 

“Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.”
—Tim Brown, CEO and President of IDEO

Design processes require creativity, as inthe ability to think outside the box, as well as methods and tools.

Over the coming months, we will be partnering with morethanmetrics and use 2 of their useful and beautiful tools:

  • Smaply, which helps create professional personas, journey maps, stakeholder maps in minutes, and 
  • ExperienceFellow, which helps collect, analyse and process data from customer experience research.

We will use these tools to plan, monitor and improve our services.

And we will use them in our design thinking workshops, training sessions and 1-to-1 work with the social ventures that we will meet.

“It’s not ‘us versus them’ or even ‘us on behalf of them.’ For a design thinker it has to be ‘us with them'”
— Tim Brown, CEO and President of IDEO

And you, how do you manage to put people at the centre of the products and services you provide?

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